BRIAN: Hey Joel - guess what?
JOEL (not looking up): What?
BRIAN: I got the draft of Book Three back from my editor last Friday!
JOEL (still not looking up): Oh, um, cool...wait, what's Book Three?
BRIAN (hesitant): It's, uh...never mind. (He recovers his composure.) Anyway, the good news is that she had a lot of great suggestions, but overall, it's not really gonna take me too long to incorporate them. So after this round of revisions, it should be ready to move into the final edit stage, and then it'll be good to go.
JOEL: Okay.
BRIAN: Yeah, I'm pretty excited. I had originally planned for a 2017 release, but now I'm wondering if I should move it up...
JOEL: To 2016?
BRIAN: Yeah. I dunno, probably not though...we'll see. Early 2017 maybe. There are some other things I have going on as well that may require extra time to put together. Either way, I'm just really happy to be at this point in the process.
JOEL: Great. Congratulations.
BRIAN: Thanks. Besides, I really want to get it out before the new Zelda game is released, since I know that'll take up a bunch of my time.
JOEL: Yeah, me too.
BRIAN (leaning in): So what're you playing there?
JOEL: Just some game I made.
BRIAN: You made that? Wow, that's pretty cool. It looks kinda familiar...what is it?
JOEL: It's called "Sparkleblock." It's a computerized version of a handheld puzzle game I played in Spectra -
JOEL pauses, as if he has suddenly become aware that he just might have said too much.
Um, I mean, 2015.
BRIAN (squinting at the screen): Huh. That's really similar to something that I wrote about you doing in Book Two -
JOEL shoots an curious glance in BRIAN's direction. BRIAN blinks rapidly and takes a step back.
Um, I mean...that's...that's pretty cool.
JOEL: Yeah.
BRIAN: Yeah.
JOEL and BRIAN look at each other. A long, awkward pause ensues. Then, finally, BRIAN claps his hands together.
BRIAN: Alrighty then, I'll let you get back to it!
JOEL: Okay.
BRIAN exits stage left.
- Fin -