Thursday, September 5, 2024

Hold My Beer Poster

Hold My Beer now has an official poster!
Big thanks to graphic designer extraordinaire Dave Born (whose other projects have included the Beer & Ramen EP cover and Spectrum Life Magazine) for doing an awesome job!

Fun fact that I learned during this process: the standard size for movie posters is 27"x40". Apparently, this has been the official size since around 1990 (it was 27"x41" before that) and is so because it's large enough to draw attention without being overly expensive. Or something like that. Either way, it bugs my OCD-brain because it's not evenly divisible by any common factor (is that the right way to word it? I haven't done real math in years) besides one.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Show Recap

We (Second Player Score, that is) had a great time playing our first show in (checks notes) over a year?? at Ole's Outpost, Loowit Brewing's second location this past Saturday.
Big thanks to Tom and everyone at Loowit for inviting us to be part of the festivities, and also to our friends who came out! It was a little different from most of our shows in that we were playing with our garage setup, with Kyle on his electric drum kit and me and Dan on our smaller practice amps. But it was still a lot of fun, and actually sounded better to my ears than a number of other shows I've played in the past - I could hear everything, especially my own guitar (people in the crowd kept telling me to turn the guitar UP, which, to a guitar player, is like a "Whaaat? Seriously? You're giving me free beer?*" kind of situation).

* And speaking of free beer, the bands had open tabs at the bar, which was a total chef's kiss situation seeing as how Loowit beer is so darn good

For posterity's sake, here's the set list from the evening, which consisted mainly of SPS "standards" (i.e., songs that we remembered better than others):

Liberty's End
Daily Grind
Ragged Town
Winner Takes It All
Demon's Kiss
Game On
Falling Forever
Eye of the Needle

And as a bonus, we started around 8pm, played until 9pm (which is when most bar shows begin), and got home at an hour that is much more compatible with my cat-affected sleep schedule.

Hopefully it won't be another year before we play again!**

** It won't be. We're scheduled to perform at Loowit's original downtown Vancouver location in a few months for an exciting special event. More details on that to come!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

SPS @ Ole's Outpost

A reminder, in case you needed it (we kind of did): Second Player Score, in addition to being a multimedia production team, is also - gasp - a band!

Yes, after literally months of not picking up our instruments due to being busy with Hold My Beer, we are once again going to be cranking out some tunes. And what better occasion to dust off the cobwebs than the grand opening of Ole's Outpost, Loowit Brewery's second location!
If you're in the Vancouver area, check it out this Saturday, August 24th, starting at 6pm (we'll be going on at around 8pm, but come early for the beer, food and raffle). Ole's Outpost is located at 11202 Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver WA 98662. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

B-Roll For Hold My Beer

Well, now, that didn't take too long to get back to Hold My Beer, did it?
This past Sunday, my bandmates/production team partners in Second Player Score went around downtown Vancouver, getting shots of various Vancouver landmarks for use as opening credits background scenes as well as other establishing shots (meant to orient the viewer as to where the characters are).

We started out by driving up the I-5 freeway and getting footage of the "Welcome to Washington" sign that motorists see shortly after they cross over the Columbia River from Portland, Oregon. We then got off on Exit 2, turned back around, and headed for Fort Vancouver where we filmed a sign that says "Fort Vancouver" as well as some drive-by scenes of Officer's Row.

From there, we headed into downtown proper, where we shot the "Vancouver" sign you see above as well as a nearby mural at the corner of C and 6th Streets. After that, we drove up to Main Street where we got shots of Kiggins Theatre and a couple of brewpub storefronts. We tried to get into one of the taller buildings nearby to shoot a bird's-eye-view of the area from the roof, but we discovered that all the taller buildings in downtown Vancouver are closed on Sundays (except one, see below).

It was a nice and sunny day, so then we decided to walk instead of drive down to the area near Smith Tower, where we took shots of it as well as the clock tower at Esther Short Park. The Hilton Hotel and Convention Center across the street from Loowit Brewing was open, but they wouldn't let us up past the second floor despite our best Axel Foley-ish attempts at talking our way up to the top floor. Oh well.

After that, we figured we each needed to get more exercise, so we continued walking all the way down to the Waterfront, where we got some great footage of the, well, water (Columbia River) as well as the I-5 bridge between Vancouver and Portland, of which some local official had recently said we all should take some last good looks at before it's demolished to make way for a new bridge.

And that was our Sunday afternoon, capped off by (what else) a couple of beers. More updates to come!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Synchronized Sleeping

For your Olympic medal consideration:
10/10,  but I'm biased.
8/10, the head positions are not quite matched up. I blame the coach (me). Because cats are always guiltless.

(P.S. Happy International Cat Day!)

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Hold My Beer Official Facebook Page

Now that filming for Hold My Beer is done, this blog will be returning to its regularly-scheduled programming (mostly, anyway - there will obviously still be Hold My Beer posts when appropriate). But! If you want to get regular doses of Hold My Beer-related content, you can follow the newly-created official Facebook page for the film here.
We'll be posting all kinds of fun stuff, like behind-the-scenes videos, bloopers, and more. So check it out! And keep coming back here for more Anime Roundups, random haikus, and cat pictures.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hold My Beer Made The News!

Specifically, Vancouver, WA's very own local paper, The Columbian.
Big thanks to reporter Scott Hewitt for the terrific write-up, and photographer Taylor Balkom for taking some great pictures at our Pearson shoot (the one above isn't his, it's ours. Didn't want to step on any copyright toes). If you subscribe to The Columbian, you can read the online version of the article here. And I know you're a subscriber, right? Right?