This past Saturday, I had the privilege of co-hosting an amazing experience: a party at which the script for Hold My Beer was translated into Japanese!
That's right, translated into Japanese. Since one of the goals of Hold My Beer is to attract more tourists to beautiful Vancouver, Washington, I thought it would be fun to create Japanese subtitles for the film so that people from Vancouver's sister city of Joyo and elsewhere in Japan can enjoy it and possibly want to visit.And since my nihongo skills are, um, lacking at best (despite years of self-study, as regular readers of this blog know), I was lucky enough to have the help of Professor Michiyo Okuhara of Vancouver's own Clark College and some of her students, as well as professional bilingual editor Kanako Veley. A huge honto ni arigatou gozaimasu goes out to all of them!
If you want to check out video clips of the party, which include scenes of my clumsy attempts at speaking Japanese, there's a three-minute highlight video here on the Hold My Beer YouTube channel.
Mata ne (see you later)!